DZG Series Multifunctional Chinese Medicine Sterilizer
Generally, sterilization for Chinese herbal medicine adopts cobalts 60, ethylene oxide, alcohol, microwave and ozone etc. These methods are hard to guarantee medicine’s property, easy to have remains or lead to high cost.
After testing, steam is the most suitbale method for sterilizing herbal medicine. So we designed thi series of sterilizers, with horizontal and rectangular shape. By means of in-and-out steam heating, the space of the cabinet can be fully utilized. In the cabinet, there is a special of damp proof equippments to eliminate effectively lump phenomena of herbal powder caused by traditional steam sterization. It is applicable to Chinese Medicine Pharmaceutical Factories and Food Processing Factories.
Product Description
Structure & Capability & Characteristics
– Vessels is designed to the China National Standard -GB150 (Steel Pressure Vessel)
– Control system is integrated by PLC + HMI, advanced function for recording, printing and storing.
– The GMP validation port is provided for insertion of 16 temperature sensors for validation.
– Unique damp proof device.
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